Everyone likes pencils.
Hello there. It is obvious that we all have used pencils in our life. All of us. You and me.
Just recollect those days when we were made to write down using those wooden sticks.
Perhaps, we used it for drawing figures, scribbling sketches, poking our friend next to us and many other things too, apart from just writing.
Indeed it should have been a lot of fun to you just like how it was to me. But..
Did you know that pencils are also potential pollutants?
Pencils leave a mark on Earth too.
We all are aware that conventional pencils are made out of wood, which comes from trees. Also, we do know that trees are one of the most important elements in human life in terms of giving oxygen, food, shelter, etc.
But have we ever thought that we should plant trees again after sharpening and using all the wooden scrap from the pencils?
This is where we need some attention.
Some numbers that suffice facts.
Cedar is the most commonly used tree, followed by Pine and Spruce, which is used to make pencils.
On an average, we shall say that around 230,000 pencils can be manufactured out of a single tree of any of such types.
According to the sources, around 15 billion pencils are made every year, this means that around 64,000 trees need to be cut every year to produce pencils.
On average a tree can absorb 22Kgs of CO2 per year. And it takes 20-30 years for such trees to grow to the fullest size approx, which means every year we fall short of trees.
This, in the near future, will show adverse effects to the human race, as bad as commercial real estate deforestation does.
A solution that comes to the rescue.
Apart from the facts, we are fortunate that we already have plans for plants. There are new types of pencils coming up now.
These are widely called green pencils and have a seed in them. Once done, these pencils when thrown on soil will sow the seed and grow a tree.
This is a very effective solution because 1 tree can make approx 230,000 pencils which in turn will produce 230,000 trees. How mighty is that?
Hope this has made you socio economically aware about what is happening and how we can change the scenario.
Come let us take our small steps towards a bigger vision of saving the mother Earth in the long term. Purchase the best quality green pencils at a discounted price here.
Also, leave a comment on your feedback about this article. The source of statistics and other information used here is linked in this article.
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