CHOOSE NATURE CHOOSE FITNESS

Health is an overrated topic, especially that is how it feels in this pandemic of Covid - 19.

But, did you know good health and fitness is something we are missing out on in the work from home era? Come let us freefall into the topic and learn what is important.

Some important data:

A recent study was conducted amidst many Indian people who are now working at home given the situation of the pandemic. Nothing follows but alarming facts.

Based on the study, numbers tell that the work timing has increased over 90 mins per day and has also adverse effects on the working people involved. 

To be precise about the effects, we can say that this mode of working has affected the people both physically and mentaly. Statistics tell us that 64% of people who were surveyed showed signs towards one or more physical health issues and at least 75% people have one new mental health issue for the first time, by working at home.

Whilst these numbers itself look hazardous, this mode of working, if continued, also affects us in the long term with many more bitter problems like cardiac arrest, amnesia, etc. say doctors and experts.

Staying at home is important. Technology is an ally helping us with that. But, what is more important is our health. Because, this is no joke to laugh at rather something serious to act upon. Info courtesy: The Hindu

Health is wealth:

So, what should we do? We should not go out. Yes. But that cuts out a huge margin on our physical activity. Yes, again. And that in turn also affects our mental health.Yes, to this too. Then what should we do? Well, there is always a way.

A magical solution:

Yoga. Hmm, in my personal opinion,  this is an underrated form of exercise. But the yield of the fruits it gives is so sweet and fresh. If you don’t know what Yoga is, it is a form of posture based exercise technique that gives physical fitness, stress relief and relaxation to the mind. 

And if you don’t know what to do in Yoga, worry not. I will leave some of the basic exercises below so that you can practise it daily and keep your fitness intact. And the best part is, it is very simple.

(Note: Do not attempt any of the asanas, or postures, if you are not well / if you have a condition in your body that needs constant medication / if you are pregnant / if you have cardiac or muscular issues, without consulting your personal doctor)

Simple breathing techniques and easy stretching techniques of Yoga will help you in the physical fitness and the mental fitness part. You don’t have to believe me, there has been a lot of research from top colleges all over the world about this, which you cannot ignore.

Source: Harvard Medical School

So, what is needed to do some good yoga? Very less, actually. Just your time, willingness, some knowledge on asanas (yoga postures) and a yoga mat. We believe your time and willingness must come from all that we have discussed above. What follows will tell you what mat to choose and some of the simple asanas at the end of the article (ext. sources).

Why yoga mats?

Traditionally, yoga is practiced on the soil. But, now we live in apartments. So practically to give some comfort during the course of doing the practice of yoga is why we use the mats. This gives us a lot of ease to do yoga itself. But..

Usually, over the past two decades, yoga mats are generally made out of PVC and other plastic forms which are non biodegradable. This has lately shown effects in humans.

PVC yoga mats release small compositions of lead. Lead is a toxic metal which can cause renal, cardiovascular, neurological, hematological and reproductive effects to the human body and it is also highly carcinogenic, says The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

So, what now?

There are a lot of obstacles, I understand. But, a champion is built by the stones thrown at him. And on today's date, if you are healthy, you are more than a champion, to be honest. So, the only choice left now for us is to choose a better and safe alternative for harmful yoga mats.

TPE(Thermoplastic Elastomer) yoga mats are a good option to consider. Fortunately, they are biodegradable (not all plastics are non biodegradable). This prevents us from almost all the threats that are mentioned above.

Also, these types of yoga mats do not use any forms of latex, rubber whatsoever so that even the slightest problem of skin itching is ruled out, giving you a good experience while you are stretching to get fit and healthy. 

Some of the best TPE yoga mats can be found here at a limited time discount price. Do check it out. If you like our content, share it with your circle. Feel free to leave a comment, that will help us get better in helping you.

Links for some basic asanas with their benefits:


2.Nadi Suddhi Pranayama

3.Bhramari Pranayama

4.Cat cow pose

5.Surya Namaskar

Disclaimer: The yoga practice videos are from external sources only. We do not promote their channel and those are just for your reference. We claim that we are not liable for any disputes regarding the asanas or the procedures whatsoever.
